Category: Hanga | Create

All About Me

Talofa Lava, my name is Tatiana. I am 11 years old a Year 7 at the best school Pt england. My Teacher is Mr Moran He is the best teacher.

I have 5 sisters and 2 brothers. Their names are Jacob, Selina, Mele, Kaisala,Leone and Leylani. 

I am samoan and some tongan but mostly samoan. 

I want to be a house captain or a prefect next year in 2025. My goal is to show the younger kids how to be a leader. My favourite sports are netball,volley.

My favourite foods are Butter chicken with naan bread. My favourite movie is Fast and furious. My hobbies are Playing volleyball, Watching movies, Golf, and Going to school.

Please leave a positive comment 🙂 

Recount – Immersion Assembly T2

It is now Term 2 which means we have a new and fresh theme for the term.

The theme is called Transformers, Which is all about the elements of drama.

This morning at 8:50, me and Team 5 went to the hall to watch all the other Teams performance or watch the movie they had made. Team one did a movie about emotions, Team two did an act about how kiwi saved the forest, Team three did a musical play, Team four did a fun charades play and my Team did the most WEIRDEST Cinderella act.

My favourite highlight was when Cinderella got her dress ripped off by the prince. 

PM Reader – Room 8 Litreacy

PM Reader Challenge – The Trip to Rocky Ridge

For this task you need to do some reading out loud.

1.You will record a video of yourself reading the first page of your PM Reader.
At the SAME TIME you will use the Voice Typing feature on this Google Doc.

This will give you an opportunity to hear how you read, and to see how accurate your pronunciation is.

Start your Voice Typing here: The trip to Rocky Ridge I love going to visit Aunt bonnie said Ruby, But the train trip is so boring and we have to leave so early added her 10 year old twin brother nate,outside the sky was dark except for a smudge of pale dawn light. gave a noisy yawn as she packed her overnight bag . Nate yawned too and then let out a laugh. The twins were best friends and they did most things together even yawning Hurry up you two allied mum. You need to be at the station in ten minutes. Quickly ruby pushed a library book into her bag. This was followed by a sketchpad and a set of glitter pens. I hope these will stop me from getting bored, she told Nate with a sigh. It was such a long dull journey to Rocky Ridge!

Attach the Google Drive link to your video here;


Once you have finished reading the text, answer these questions;

Why did the twins say the trip to Rocky Ridge was dull and boring?

Because they had nothing to do on the train

Why did Ruby make up the rhyme?

Because the five stations before they get to Rocky Ridge Rhymes so she made it.

What would have lived in a salt lake millions of years ago?

Dinosours and extinct animals.

Why would train drivers have to be careful in dust storms?

Because they cant see in the dust because if they werent careful it could be very danegrous.

Why would a cow have wandered onto the rail track? 

Because the dust strom must of opened the gate because the gate wasnt locked so it was wondering around and wandered onto the rail track.

How did Aunt Bonnie know when the train would be arriving?

Because clare the train person told them what time they were arriving back at rocky ridge and then nate rang aunt bonnie to tell her what time they would be arriving at rocky ridge.