Tag: Reading

200 word challange – descriptive language

200 Word Challenge – Descriptive Language

Look at the picture below carefully and complete the table.
Check on the next page for Step 2.

Who is in the photo?
A climber and a photographer
What is happening in the photo?
A photo shoot
Where was the photo taken?
In the mountains
What makes this exciting?
It’s exciting because there doing a photo shoot
How do you think the characters feel?
Climber: I think the climber feels scared because it looks like he has no ropes.
Photographer: i think the photographer is nervous because

Write a 200 Word recount as either the CLIMBER or the PHOTOGRAPHER.

Remember; your challenge is to use DESCRIPTIVE Language to SHOW, not TELL your audience what is happening.

Begin your writing here: Hello i am a professional climber, today i received a letter from a photographer asking if i want to do a climbing photo shoot.

I read the letter and there was a phone number on the letter that said “call me if interested” I called him and he said “meet at the mountains” so we met and then we began our photo shoot.

When we began our photo shoot he first told me to put on safety equipment incase if i fall.

When I finished putting on my safety equipment, he asked me to hang on the rocks where I could climb so I did.

He told me to do a serious face like if i was actually climbing a mountain.

When we finished the first photo he showed it to me then he asked me if i can do more photos and i said sure so we did heaps more photos and we did on video where i was actually climbing the mountain to the top.

When i got to the top i had to take a break and when I was done I had to climb down from the mountain. When I got down from the top he showed me all the photos and he asked me if he could post it on his youtube page.