Tag: Writing

Recount – Immersion Assembly T2

It is now Term 2 which means we have a new and fresh theme for the term.

The theme is called Transformers, Which is all about the elements of drama.

This morning at 8:50, me and Team 5 went to the hall to watch all the other Teams performance or watch the movie they had made. Team one did a movie about emotions, Team two did an act about how kiwi saved the forest, Team three did a musical play, Team four did a fun charades play and my Team did the most WEIRDEST Cinderella act.

My favourite highlight was when Cinderella got her dress ripped off by the prince. 

200 word challenge

200 Word Challenge


The 200 Word Challenge is an opportunity to practice writing using just the right words. 200 Words might sound like a lot, but once you get going you’ll find yourself crossing that line easily, so be careful to only say what you NEED to. 

(This whole thing is over 100 words already)


For Week One your challenge is to write a 200 word recount of a time you…


Tasted the best food you’ve ever tasted.


Remember! This week we have been learning about chronological order. Make sure you get the sequence of events in the right order.


Begin your writing here: The best food i’ve ever tasted were heaps of things like are.

Hello my name is Tatiana, today is October 12 2023, yesterday my dad prepared me some breakfast. He prepared some pancakes and some chicken and chips because it was a special day yesterday for me. My dad prepares me breakfast 2 times a week. My favourite food is chicken and chips for breakfast or pancakes for breakfast. On friday last week my mum had no work so she prepared me some banana and nutella pancakes for breakfast. It was so good I had heaps until I was full. The nutella and banana were stuffed into the pancake. There were so many of them so I nearly finished all of them. Today I made my own breakfast. I made a strawberry mango apple watermelon dragon fruit salad. It was so good I also put some ice and sprite with strawberry milk. It’s called hwachae. It was so refreshing that I could eat it all day. On monday my sister made some breakfast. She cooked coco rice she made it so fast it was so good she made sugar using her own ingredients and it tasted like she put sugarcane in it.


Immersion Assembly Recount Writing

Hi today on october 9th 2023 we had our first day of school for term 4 today we had to line up for immersion assembly the hole school had to go to the school hall where we do our assemblys when we got to the hall we had to sit in a straight line when we sit down in the hall we see a big bucket with dirty water on the stage. it was nearly filled to the top because there was a leak in the hall from the rain.

the prefects did the karakia and the mihi then we saw Mrs.Nua come from the back angry because the roof was leaking. Then Mr.Jacobsen and Mr.Sommerville came down to the stage to try and stop the water from filling the bucket all the way up so Mr.Sommerville came up with a solution He grabbed a hose and he put it in the wall where water come’s out from he turned the water on and then Mr.Sommerville told Mr.Jacobsen to tell him when to stop so it can reverse and the dirty water can come out from the suction. then we got onto the shows.

Team 1 did a movie about Miss.Sherly dog max he kept running away and annoying the neighbours so she called the sulution people and they were figuring out what to do and they did they built a gate so max could stop running away and annoying the neighbours.

Team 2 did a movie where they thought about what super heros they wanted to be.

Team 3 did a peformance on how they did stuff in the olden days Miss.scanllan was the main charachter and Mrs.davis was the dinasour Mrs.moala was telling the story and then they acted it out on the stage

Team 4 did a movie about what we wanted outside the team 4 block like tables,chairs,drinking fountains and all sorts of stuff

Team 5 did a peformance they were singing songs like who are they and singing what they like to do.

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