Tag: 2024

All About Me

Talofa Lava, my name is Tatiana. I am 11 years old a Year 7 at the best school Pt england. My Teacher is Mr Moran He is the best teacher.

I have 5 sisters and 2 brothers. Their names are Jacob, Selina, Mele, Kaisala,Leone and Leylani. 

I am samoan and some tongan but mostly samoan. 

I want to be a house captain or a prefect next year in 2025. My goal is to show the younger kids how to be a leader. My favourite sports are netball,volley.

My favourite foods are Butter chicken with naan bread. My favourite movie is Fast and furious. My hobbies are Playing volleyball, Watching movies, Golf, and Going to school.

Please leave a positive comment 🙂 

Recount – Immersion Assembly T2

It is now Term 2 which means we have a new and fresh theme for the term.

The theme is called Transformers, Which is all about the elements of drama.

This morning at 8:50, me and Team 5 went to the hall to watch all the other Teams performance or watch the movie they had made. Team one did a movie about emotions, Team two did an act about how kiwi saved the forest, Team three did a musical play, Team four did a fun charades play and my Team did the most WEIRDEST Cinderella act.

My favourite highlight was when Cinderella got her dress ripped off by the prince.